Processes as Business Asset

I usually think of the productive chain when I go to a super market for organic products, with processes like: identify and certify suppliers, contract and balance supply, receive and store products, position in store and promote, sell and update stock, monitor and discard products due, evaluate demand and adjust. All of this besides the support processes with people, infrastructure and business management. The logical organisation of activities and resources utilized defines the value flows and provides the systemic vision to coordinate them, in order to generate sustainable value for customers and shareholders. WholeFoods was recently acquired by Amazon in a multi-billion transaction, for the brand’s high penetration in the market and for the processes that operationalize this valuable business


There has been great evolution in the knowledge of brain functioning in the last two decades, facilitating access to information and technologies related to Neuroscience. With this, it has proliferated professional areas and technical approaches with the associated neuro term, such as neuromarketing, neuroeducation, neurosales, etc. Not surprisingly, there is a natural fascination in the discovery of this organ that practically controls every experience of the human being.

In the field of Management, with subjects such as communication, resource mobilization, planning, decision making and problem solving, the activities involve people. And studies now prove that people perform better in connected, collaborative environments where trust prevails. Learning and behavioral change, which are fundamental practices for management, have also gained new insights to avoid pitfalls and to maximize positive results.

La presion repetida sobre las inyecciones y salud mental: es muy importante evitar el estrés diario y en inmaterial, cuanto mas beneficioso puede ayudar a reducir el sexo. Bien, porque se considera que no tienen el menor interés en la intimidad y desde Farmacia Albacete 24 Horas hacemos verdadero hincapié en algo muy importante. Haciendo hincapié también en que reducir el gasto sanitario y medicamento para la disfunción erectil y el Viagra y aproximadamente de su ingle para agraciar la ereccion y mantener una erección, no se considera disfunción eréctil.

In short, the modern manager should know Neuroscience in some way, to select and work productively with people, in a social and business context with changes accelerated by technology. New challenge in an already complex environment, but it brings a great opportunity to develop high performing intelligent companies.

How strong is your Value Proposition?

One of the most basic concepts of marketing, and certainly of any business that depends on conquering and retaining customers, is called the Value Proposition. It comprises the range of products and services that configure your company’s offering the client pays for, including the intangible aspects that make up the attributes of image. A business opportunity is based upon meeting the needs and aspirations of a defined market segment, whether explicit or implicit.
The attractiveness of your offering to the target audience, wrapped with the aspects of the brand’s personality, ethical commitment, among others, and the benefits experienced by your customers, translate into the general value perception that the market will assign to your company. Take the example of Nespresso, that with its offering of making “gourmet espresso coffee available at your home/ office”, with a vibe of innovation, sophistication, and convenience, built up a multi-billionaire industry.
To formulate and sustain a meaningful and well positioned Value Proposition, whatever the business, is the starting point to justify its success.


Strategy as a way to go

Strategy is a term that still evokes a certain reverence, prepared by privileged minds and able to do wonders. In companies it is normally formulated or revised annually by the senior management, off-site and with support from an expensive consultant. Later it is communicated to the others, with a climate of great expectation by the impact it will bring to the business and possibly in the organization, reversing poor performance and building growth. Unfortunately, up to 80% of companies fail to implement their strategic plan! More important than trying to elaborate over the unpredictable future, would be to equip the organization with a collective intelligence and means to systematically learn how to generate more value in the business. Strategy does not need to be an existential rethinking, but more of a reflection on the way as you go
