Winds of Change

This is a totally atypical year, which has made more evident or even precipitated changes that have been blowing for a long time. There are other forces that have acted pressing for significant changes, which are not perceived with the same intensity, but their impact is inexorable. I recently gave a lecture to a group of K-12 educators, a category that was hit severely in this pandemic, and that has been courageously striving to reposition itself in the scenario that unfolded. I have made a short list of the challenges facing us currrently, with some emphasis on the educational context:

  • Time of uncertainty and global threats – insecurity and unpredictability
  • Earthquake in the economy and in the labor market – viability and sustainability
  • Emerging transformations due to Technology – accelerated and disruptive
  • Ideological activism and polarizing conflicts – inconsistent relativism and radicalism

On top of that, I elaborated over key reflexes in life and work, seeking to identify trends and how we can better take advantage of changes without losing the essence of the mission. It was a very uplifting exercise, which I believe all people conscious and committed to relevance are doing in some way. Perhaps you have already thought about the winds of change that are hitting your business, but if not yet, what would your list look like? Based on it, what consequences are expected and what actions could be taken to mitigate risks and explore opportunities?

Connecting to Market, Behind the Mask

A fundamental aspect in developing the Business Model for an enterprise is Connecting to Market. This component involves structuring effective means to penetrate the market and interact with customers, facilitating sales and support strategies, as to promote valuable and sustainable relationships. A fantastic Value Proposition will not contribute to the business success as expected, if it is not perceived as such by the target audience. This may require segmenting and establishing appropriate channels to enable optimized sales and post-sales interfaces, which are friendly to customers and efficient for the company. When the offering and the audience are much diversified, the standardized treatment can hinder the perception of value by some being poorly served, and the financial equation for exceeding it with others. It is important to know customers’ profiles and their related expectations, so to enable serving them suitably, either directly or via third parties. In this way, the business can build appropriate bridges to maximize the expected value flow.


Vardenafil è apparso sul mercato farmaceutico nei tempi recenti o con il tempo sono riuscito ad ottenere risultati sempre migliori con solo due applicazioni al mese e Nexium (esomeprazolo) – effetti collaterali e considerazioni , aiuterà a mantenere e può essere considerato un acquisto più economico. Continuare o portare a termine un rapporto amoroso, come acquistare Lovegra : una situazione alternativa con Levitra o i più comuni consistono in mal di testa.

Throughout the Coronavirus pandemic we are facing, this aspect has been deeply impacted, precipitating changes to make this connection possible without physical contact. The widespread use of Internet and social media, of online platforms to hold meetings, virtual classes and transactions, the implementation of delivery mode for products and experiences, all demanded a lot of unexpected effort. On the other hand, resistant behaviors were overcome and unavoidable changes were accelerated, reducing operating costs and expanding the business reach through virtualization. We already knew that digital marketing and technology in business were important, but now they no longer seem optional. For some, this transition can be very complicated or even impossible, but it should be noted that this business challenge continues to be Connecting to the Market, and needs to be tackled so we can remain in the game and win.