
Processes as Business Asset

I usually think of the productive chain when I go to a super market for organic products, with processes like: identify and certify suppliers, contract and balance supply, receive and store products, position in store and promote, sell and update stock, monitor and discard products due, evaluate demand and adjust. All of this besides the support processes with people, infrastructure and business management. The logical organisation of activities and resources utilized defines the value flows and provides the systemic vision to coordinate them, in order to generate sustainable value for customers and shareholders. WholeFoods was recently acquired by Amazon in a multi-billion transaction, for the brand’s high penetration in the market and for the processes that operationalize this valuable business

Is your Operating Model defined?

All business idea, no matter how good it is, can only make a difference when put into practice, and so demonstrating its ability to generate value. There are many ways of combining resources and organizing their productive relation, considering human and technological competencies, internally only or integrated with third parties. This arrangement is called Operating Model, as the result of an exercise of structuring options to run the business efficiently and sustainably. With the Operating Model defined, leaders can promote an active collaboration among business participants, based on a shared vision of the working processes involved, for an optimized execution.
