
Winds of Change

This is a totally atypical year, which has made more evident or even precipitated changes that have been blowing for a long time. There are other forces that have acted pressing for significant changes, which are not perceived with the same intensity, but their impact is inexorable. I recently gave a lecture to a group of K-12 educators, a category that was hit severely in this pandemic, and that has been courageously striving to reposition itself in the scenario that unfolded. I have made a short list of the challenges facing us currrently, with some emphasis on the educational context:

  • Time of uncertainty and global threats – insecurity and unpredictability
  • Earthquake in the economy and in the labor market – viability and sustainability
  • Emerging transformations due to Technology – accelerated and disruptive
  • Ideological activism and polarizing conflicts – inconsistent relativism and radicalism

On top of that, I elaborated over key reflexes in life and work, seeking to identify trends and how we can better take advantage of changes without losing the essence of the mission. It was a very uplifting exercise, which I believe all people conscious and committed to relevance are doing in some way. Perhaps you have already thought about the winds of change that are hitting your business, but if not yet, what would your list look like? Based on it, what consequences are expected and what actions could be taken to mitigate risks and explore opportunities?

Projects & Changes

Project is an enterprise with a pre-established beginning and end, which aims to develop a solution to a problem or meet a specific demand. Its implicit characteristics are uniqueness and some uncertainty as to the results and conditions for its realization, which normally presupposes creation or change.

Considering that the Market is dynamic, subject to changes in the regulatory, technological and economic scenario, and customers are increasingly connected and demanding, it is inevitable that in order to remain competitive, the business must be able to respond by adjusting or creating something new. In the same line, whether due to the natural tendency to accommodation or the availability of new knowledge and resources, it is necessary to periodically review the processes in search of greater efficiency, since unproductive costs hurt profit margins and threaten sustainability.

It is normal to find in the company several ongoing initiatives, not always called projects. They can come up with different people and departments, besides those formally recognized as projects, with budget and linked plans. In any case, they will consume resources and dispute people’s attention, which if not managed considering priority, feasibility and final benefits, can impact the desired results and introduce more costs. Therefore, it is recommendable to make an inventory of the existing initiatives, define criteria for their structuring and evaluation, allowing for alignment with the strategic objectives of the company. And when a decision has been made to move forward with a specific project, conditions must be ensured to minimize uncertainties and maximize the achievement of the expected benefit.

Finally, it is part of a healthy governance to define projects and consistently ensure the achievement of those prioritized, in order to maximize the generation of business value. Project and change management don’t need to happen only through a Project Management Office, but should be an intentional and effective practice in any sustainable business.

Manage the Culture or Get Run Over by It

Research has shown a growing perception among executives about the importance of Corporate Culture, even greater than Strategy. Other signs of this emphasis are the huge number of books currently available on the topic, and Google returning almost 11 million search results. The main motivations for this in the business world could be:
1. Engage all the employees in the mission and values, for greater collaboration and productivity;
2- Equip the front line team for quick and effective response to customers, in an ever challenging and competitive business environment;
3- Increase appeal for generation Y professionals, who seek identification and purpose in work;
4- Change the game with resilience and innovation, in the face of crises and the disruptive market.

Corporate culture can be perceived by the way people think and act in the company, based on established formal and informal beliefs, and is naturally inherited from the founders. Murals and posters on the walls cannot define culture, but mostly the everyday experiences do it, influenced by example that comes from the leadership. By the way, almost all companies have their mission published, however most of their people are not able to recite it.

If you are looking for very different results and/or understand that your business needs a significant change of direction, it is inevitable having to change the organizational culture. It is the leadership responsibility to manage the organizational culture for desired results, and not end up being run over by it.

Strategy as a way to go

Strategy is a term that still evokes a certain reverence, prepared by privileged minds and able to do wonders. In companies it is normally formulated or revised annually by the senior management, off-site and with support from an expensive consultant. Later it is communicated to the others, with a climate of great expectation by the impact it will bring to the business and possibly in the organization, reversing poor performance and building growth. Unfortunately, up to 80% of companies fail to implement their strategic plan! More important than trying to elaborate over the unpredictable future, would be to equip the organization with a collective intelligence and means to systematically learn how to generate more value in the business. Strategy does not need to be an existential rethinking, but more of a reflection on the way as you go


Do you have a Management Model?

A brilliant business idea, implemented with a great combination of resources and organization, should deliver good results. However, results tend to worsen, or may even become unfeasible as time passes by. Inevitable changes on external context and on internal conditions bring misalignment among market, strategy, and operation, as well as resources and activities need coordination to respond effectively to clients and business requirements. This dynamic to stay focused and improve continuously the company’s ability to generate more value, based on principles and purpose established, configures its Management Model. When the Management Model is not defined or appropriate, a culture of performance does not grow in the company, investments are not properly prioritized, stakeholders do not learn how to maximize results, and leaders do not develop.


The power of connection

Promoting healthy relationships in the work environment through collaborative values and a set of meetings, with clarity of shared objectives and means for syncronization, conflict resolution, and collective learning, is fundamental to face crises. The power of connection among people who make up the business contributes with positive attitudes and reinforce the company ability to overcome huge challenges. They are the neural pathways of an intelligent organization!