
Projects & Changes

Project is an enterprise with a pre-established beginning and end, which aims to develop a solution to a problem or meet a specific demand. Its implicit characteristics are uniqueness and some uncertainty as to the results and conditions for its realization, which normally presupposes creation or change.

Considering that the Market is dynamic, subject to changes in the regulatory, technological and economic scenario, and customers are increasingly connected and demanding, it is inevitable that in order to remain competitive, the business must be able to respond by adjusting or creating something new. In the same line, whether due to the natural tendency to accommodation or the availability of new knowledge and resources, it is necessary to periodically review the processes in search of greater efficiency, since unproductive costs hurt profit margins and threaten sustainability.

It is normal to find in the company several ongoing initiatives, not always called projects. They can come up with different people and departments, besides those formally recognized as projects, with budget and linked plans. In any case, they will consume resources and dispute people’s attention, which if not managed considering priority, feasibility and final benefits, can impact the desired results and introduce more costs. Therefore, it is recommendable to make an inventory of the existing initiatives, define criteria for their structuring and evaluation, allowing for alignment with the strategic objectives of the company. And when a decision has been made to move forward with a specific project, conditions must be ensured to minimize uncertainties and maximize the achievement of the expected benefit.

Finally, it is part of a healthy governance to define projects and consistently ensure the achievement of those prioritized, in order to maximize the generation of business value. Project and change management don’t need to happen only through a Project Management Office, but should be an intentional and effective practice in any sustainable business.